Fragments from the Vault #005: The Age of Kai - Seven Gardens (An Excerpt)

To the east a garden gleams...


Game: Mutazione

Location: The East Garden and beyond, Mutazione

More information: Mutazione Wiki | Fandom

Mutazione's ruins. Photo credit: FetchQuester

I remember the twilight when -
"In one of those dreams... so vivid, you can feel the starlight on your skin,"
Kai came to Mutazione,

And sowed between seasons a softness so raw
We wept in the afterglow of song. 

Village campfire. Photo credit: FetchQuester

At first, the rooftop garden sung: Apprehensive, resolute.
But Miu, whose "story is hers to tell" is where Kai's journey began in earnest;

"a gust of wind blown from another continent" -

That swept the ruins of circadian silence
And churned the ashen soil anew -
Yielding hope long tempered by time,
Subdued in earthy grief.

Temple and Fung. Photo credit: FetchQuester

Where once restrained, fresh ferns aglow
'Neath Papu's canopied heart unfurled,
And Wubjen Leaf and Neejon Palm,

The sultry sway of Protean lament
Met chills from Coastal Orchid's breath;
Astral Ragwort rustled dusky chimes

While Guzmania blazed Dracanean shade -
And Evanescence shed their scales
Enshrined where Blackpool Lily beamed.

The Papu Tree. 
Photo credit: FetchQuester

"The Age of Kai", the people sang;
The sorrow haunting Papu's heart
Diminished, its symbiotic plumes
"like petals falling in the rain",

Surging from a luminescence
Invoked like "summer, surely woken,"
As we spilled salt and from decay
Made life, as life itself decays -

And thus renewed our healing days.

Port and Lighthouse. Photo credit: FetchQuester

- Lucy A.



Mutazione (Die Gute Fabrik/Akupara Games); [note all quotation marks attribute direct quotes from Mutazione]

*Dedicated to one of my dearest professors, Monica.


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