Fragments from the Vault #014: Invitation to A Winter's Tale

From the Poetic Edda of the Dragonborn


Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Location: High Hrothgar, Skyrim, Tamriel

More information: High Hrothgar | Mass Effect Wiki | Fandom 

The aurora over High Hrothgar. Photo credit: FetchQuester

Come, o traveller,
Wearied wand'rer and woeful wise, 
And take rest within these 
Hallowed halls of High Hrothgar 
Where Secunda crowns 
The crest of Frostfall's hearth
To warm our winter's star-clad sky 
With luminous veils of god-spun light,
And let us call upon
Our hale-hewn hero of Akatosh
On the wind-swept sails of Kyne's 
Unravelling our meagre thread 
Of season unending.

Riverwood. Photo credit: FetchQuester

The hero's realm of Sovngarde. Photo credit: FetchQuester

- Lucy A.



The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda Softworks);

*Dedicated to the artist Netchimen's Reverie, whose constant inspiration illuminates my days.
