About Fetch Quest Journeys

Welcome, Traveller... 

Welcome to Fetch Quest Journeys, a series dedicated to intriguing dilemmas we encounter in videogames from a role-playing perspective as well as critical analyses and insights from fellow gamers. Exploring the gravity of the interactive medium as a conduit for storytelling and its potential to draw on our agency for making crucial decisions, we'll be examining key themes and philosophies for those frustrated players hesitating to make a decision or looking for some post-game contemplation - encouraging us to reflect on our own world and challenge its belief systems in the process. Discussions are welcome! 

- Lucy A.

Fetch Quest Journeys (featuring TO:KY:OO by Liam Wong and The World of Cyberpunk 2077)
Photo credit: FetchQuester

My heartfelt thanks goes to:

Adri, Alexis, Bob, Briar, Carla, Craig, Dakie, David, Diego, Elvira, Evi, Florence, Fox, Kate, Kid, Kim, Lisa, Louise, Pim, Regan, Ser0bi, Tadhg, Toni, Tray, and Zero for their guidance and encouragement;

Prof. Kilgour, Prof. Popescu, and Prof. Morgan of McGill University for showing me my ideas mattered;

My peers from Cambridge University's Digital Platforms in Performance and Pixelles Game Writing Program;

And most of all, the writers, developers, and artists of the games which have come to change our generation.

Horizon Zero Dawn's Aloy. 
Photo credit: Craig

About Me: I grew up in Canada where I studied English literature, philosophy and music in Montréal, Québec. I am interested in documenting the cultural impact of games in our world and how this will influence our society in the present and future, especially in the context of our current climate and political crises.

For other platforms see My Linktree.


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